Change of Event Venue – 5erWest 2014

Due to a series of circumstances beyond our control, we have decided to move the 5erWest Event down the road a bit to it’s new digs at Milwaukie Elks Lodge, 13121 SE McLoughlin Blvd, Portland, OR 97222.

You’ll find more information about the location and it’s facilities in the Event section on this page. Please take a moment to read through them before you head out for the show.

Although we have loved the original location, there were issues that the City of Gladstone was unwilling to help us resolve. To add to the mess, the city board passed a new resolution that required folks like us to pay a non-refundable $100 application fee for use of city property such as the lot at Meldrum Bar Park. This administration fee did not come with any usage agreement or privileges.

On top of that mess, the main boat launch just to the North is currently under construction, so there is a very good chance that, even if we would have paid the fee, the lot would have been full of trucks, boats and trailers on top of the usual dog walkers and weekend fishermen.  Not ideal for trying to host a car show.

The folks at the Milwaukie Elks Lodge have been very supportive of our needs and will provided services for our event. This includes indoor toilets that flush, food and beverages, too! There is also a large banquet room that will be held for our use so folks can gather, mingle, or whatever!

We’re all a bit sad about the sudden change, but we know that it’s going to be just fine in the end!  Thank you so much for your understanding and continued support.

Jake D and the rest of the 5erWest Staff

5erWest 2014 Gallery

“Tried to get a shot of every car there. I did better than I expected.”

From 5erWest 2014, posted by 5erWest on 7/20/2014 (106 items)

Generated by Facebook Photo Fetcher 2

5erWest 2014 — July 18-20 — Oregon

Lots of people have been asking, so just to confirm 5erWest is always the 3rd Weekend in July!!

Mark the weekend of July 18, 19, 20 on your calendars!  Request some days off of work if you need to!  You won’t want to miss year 5 of 5erWest!

Working out some details with locations and vendors and volunteers. Watch this site and our Facebook Page for updates and new details.